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27-100 Larch Road, P. O. Box 272
Millis,  MA  02054-0272

Club Hours

Skeet and Trap

Saturdays and Sundays Noon to 3:00 PM

Outdoor Pistol

Monday through Saturday Sunrise to Sunset

(not earlier than 7:00 AM)

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Indoor Pistol

Monday through Sunday 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM

HomeEventsThe Brook Trout of Trout Brook

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Only 66 Spot(s) Left
The Brook Trout of Trout Brook

About this event

In 2023, the Massachusetts chapter of Native Fish Coalition (NFC) initiated a project to assess the condition of Trout Brook in Dover. Trout Brook is a coldwater ecosystem with a rare to the area self-sustaining population of native brook trout. The impetus behind the project was a 2021 report from MassWildlife where electro-fishing had failed to confirm the presence of wild brook trout for the first time since the 1960’s. After 2 seasons of extensive analysis, NFC concluded that brook trout are remnant at best and possibly extirpated in Trout Brook. Equally concerning is that the stream is no longer functioning as a coldwater system. 

NFC will be presenting their findings along with recommendations in regard to improving the situation and ideally restoring wild native brook trout.

Find more information about NFC and their project here:

Date and Time

Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM


Fin Fur and Feather Assembly Hall and Indoor Range
Fin Fur and Feather
27-100 Larch Road
Millis, MA  02054

For information contact(s)

Sasson D Peress



Registration Info

Registration is required


90 Total Slots
66 Available Slot(s)