27-100 Larch Road, P. O. Box 272 Millis, MA 02054-0272 secretary@finfurandfeather.us Club Hours
Saturdays and Sundays Noon to 3:00 PM
Outdoor Pistol
Monday through Saturday Sunrise to Sunset
(not earlier than 7:00 AM)
Sunday 10:00 AM to Sunset
Indoor Pistol
Monday through Sunday 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Board of Directors
OFFICERS President - Jon Ennis Vice President -Rob Ginsberg Treasurer - Richard Saul Secretary - Renee Moelders AT LARGE DIRECTORS Raymond Edelman Steve Lozzi Sarah Monaco - Membership Chair Greg Nealand BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Skeet & Trap -Tad Bengston Rifle & Pistol - Dave Osborne Fish & Game - Michael Rooney CONTACTS Board of Directors at bod@finfurandfeather.us Skeet & Trap at skeetandtrap@finfurandfeather.us Rifle and Pistol at rifleandpistol@finfurandfeather.us Fish & Game at fishandgame@finfurandfeather.us
Youth Trap Program at ytp@finfurandfeather.us Range Safety Officers at rso@finfurandfeather.us Membership at membership@finfurandfeather.us